“Wind Chimes,” winner of the Photo credit: Rhonda Konicki |
Vladimir Zhikhartsev was born in Krasnodar (near the Vladimir’s sculpting team for “Good Omen” included Nadya Fedotova and Andrei Trifonov of Russia. Nadya Fedotova is Vladimir’s partner and has been sculpting Vitaliy Lednev has worn many hats. He was a sculpture instructor at Izhevsk University, a designer at a poly-graphic firm, and now, in the summer, he works as the head of a marketing and public relations department. In the winter he can be found designing and building ice parks in Russia. Since 2003 his teams often place at the top in the World Ice Art Championship’s competitions. Andrei Trifonov was born in Moscow and graduated from the Fedoskino Art College, specializing in miniature paintings. Since 1995, he has worked in Provideniya as an ivory sculptor. He has participated in many art festivals and exhibitions. In 1998 World Ice Art championships he won the gold medal, Artist’s Choice and People’s Choice awards. |